Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Racial Stereotypes

The Harvard video of the doll experiment was very interesting. Especially since that experiment was first conducted many years ago, and then conducted again recently. This means that the racial stereotype of black people hasn't made much progress. It was also sad to see that there are such extreme racial stereotypes within a race (dark skin, light skin). It just shows that society feels that we have to keep seperating people into certain categories. The last thing said in the video I found very dissapointing. The girl said that people don't know what their culture is based from, but we allow society to decide what kind of person you are. Although she was talking about her race in specific, I think the statement applies to all races. There is so much we don't know about each and every persons past and present life, yet we allow society to judge how someone is supposed to act. But not even that, we also allow ourselves to givin to the stereotype. We allow ourselves to be whats expected of us from society. Although that's a very intense way of looking at the subject, the situation of racial stereotypes may become more serious the more people take apart and divide races into certain expectations.

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