Wednesday, August 27, 2008

in a nutshell

Often I am asked what ethnicity I am. The answer is I'm a lot mixed together, and there's some things that I still question. So "Who are you?" can be answered the same way. There is so much mixed into my life that makes up who I am. But here's a start- Hi, I'm Allison. I have a Mom, a Dad, 2 older sisters named Melissa and Stephanie, and 2 dogs named Jack and Bruna. It's my senior year of high school, and I can't wait to go to college, but at the same time I want this year to last as long as it can. I can't imagine not seeing my friends at college, although there's not a doubt in my mind that I'll keep seeing them my whole life. My sisters are the closest people to me in my life. They're great! It's like gaurenteed love. My oldest sister, Stephanie, is an artist. She is my constant reminder that life is beautiful. She lives downtown so as often as I can, especially over summer, I take the train down town to devour pasta and watch Arrested Development. My middle sister, Melissa, is a nurse. She is in the nursing program at CLC. Although Melissa is deciding to be a nurse right now, she has been a healer all her life. She always knows what prescription to give me, whether it's laying around watching Newsies, cooking, or going out to a concert festival and dancing to the choreography of a 4 year old. Melissa is my strongest supporter of me going to college far, far away. The schools that I'm most interested in at the time being, are schools that are either in California, East coast, Colorado, basically anything that is not in the midwest. I have visited midwest schools and I do like a few, but I think I want to look for a bigger change of environment. The one thing I know for sure is that I want to travel all over the world for my job. Lately, I have been looking into Amnesty International as a possibility career, but we'll see! I wouldn't want my future completely planned out.
Silence. I don't think silence has to be akward. I know around my friends or family, we arn't continuously making noise, we tend to just enjoy one anothers company. Although when I'm around people who I don't know, I'm not as comfortable being in a mute conversation. I think people want to fill space with pointless discussions to make others believe that they're not antisocial. When someone isn't talking, it isn't always because they're too afraid to talk; it might be that they simply don't want to talk.
Something that is a part of me that can be looked at from a bigger picture is my love for traveling. I have traveled hardly anywhere out of the country, only canada and I think some island that I don't remember, but I am extremely curious of the outside of my world. I think this desire to adventure the world came from my grandma, my mom's mom, who I call Nina. She had passed away a few years ago, and I regret my distant relationship with her. It's weird that I feel closer to her now than ever, and she isn't even here to talk with me. She used to be a stuartist, and I used to think that she took the job because it was a "cool" job to have in her early 20's. Now I realize that I don't think it was because of the trend at all, I think it's because she was just as curious as I am about the world.

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